Ide Hill Toilets: The Views of the Ide Hill Society

Ide Hill Toilets: The Views of the Ide Hill Society

Dear Member or former Member

The Committee of the Ide Hill Society recently attended a Zoom meeting led by Don Baker with other Ide Hill Ward Parish Councillors Polly Furse and David Miller attending. They explained the background to the consultation/survey on the Ide Hill public toilets and sought the support of our membership for the keeping this facility fully open.

The projected annual cost of cleaning and maintenance is £7500, which amounts to roughly £5 per resident of the Parish Council. In the absence of any explanation we can only assume that Sundridge Ward councillors feel that it is not in their residents’ interest to maintain this commitment or that the money is better spent elsewhere.

It is the unanimous and strongly held view of your Committee that the toilets should remain fully open. Without this facility the cafe will be unable to re-open after lockdown unless [and even then until] alternative facilities can be provided. The shop and its amazing team of volunteers is at the heart of our community and widely admired. The cafe is an integral part and without it the shop is scarcely profitable and its long term viability therefore uncertain.

The toilets are also a heavily used facility for cyclists, walkers and other visitors, many from afar, who will not suddenly disappear if the café closes, as we have seen in lockdown. Closure of the facilities would therefore have unmentionable implications for decency and public health.

It is of course your decision on how, or whether, to respond to this consultation but our Committee will be voting for keeping the toilets fully open and adding a comment that this should be on a permanent basis.
We strongly encourage you to do so too.

Paul Meredith

Chair of the Ide Hill Society


Save Our Ide Hill Public Conveniences

Ide Hill Public Conveniences consultation:

The Public Convenience With a View


Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Consultation/Survey Ide Hill Public Toilets

Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council is seeking the public’s views on its public toilet strategy for Ide Hill Public toilets. As part of the preparation for the strategy, residents and visitors are asked whether the Ide Hill Public toilet facility should be retained or closed and/or redeveloped. The Public Convenience is adjacent to car park by the Ide Hill Community shop and village hall on Wheatsheaf Hill, B2042.

The toilets are used by many walkers and cyclists who visit this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). It is literally The Public Convenience with one of the most popular views of the local countryside and Bough Beech Reservoir in the area.

This consultation is taking place on the Parish website at and closes on 31st August 2020. General information can be found here.

To take participate in the consultation regarding the public conveniences at Ide Hill please click on this link below:


Consultation on cleaner domestic burning of solid fuels and wood

Consultation on cleaner domestic burning of solid fuels and wood 

The Clean Air Strategy states that air pollution is the top environmental risk to human health in the UK. We often think of air pollution as being caused by transport or industrial level burning of fossil fuels. The Strategy is clear that we now need to tackle these other sources of air pollution, including emissions caused by heating our homes.
Get involved in the consultation by completing an online survey
NB Survey closes 12 Oct 2018

Ide Hill Village is within a Conservation Area

Conservation Area

Ide Hill Village is within a Conservation Area. A Conservation Area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which should be preserved or enhanced.