Stubbs Wood Viewpoint Clearance Project – Starting July 2021
The Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council has employed Japa Forestry and Fencing to undertake part of the viewpoint clearance work and coppicing identified in the Stubbs Wood Management Plan at no cost to the Parish Council.
There are two areas to be cleared at Stubbs Wood:
- 0.28 ha of woodland shown as Coupe 1 and light green on the attached plan, located to the South of the main Stubbs Wood Car Park which will provide a clear viewpoint over to Bough Beech reservoir. The felled timber will be extracted through the main car park.
- 8ha of woodland located to the East of Hanging Bank shown as Coupe 2 and light green on the attached plan, which will involve the coppicing and extraction of sweet chestnut trees. The extraction will be undertaken by horses to reduce the damage to pathways etc along the route shown as a red line up to the old/disused car park on Wheatsheaf Hill.
The Parish Council has tried to reduce the impact of extraction and these works on the residents in Hanging Bank and pathways through the woods by undertaking the extraction in the summer and by employing a company who extracts the timber by working horses.
The work is scheduled to start in the week commencing the 12th July 2021.
Stubbs Wood will remain open to walkers and riders throughout the work although extra caution should be taken when approaching the working areas.
Press Release, from the Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council, 12th July, 2021