Ide Hill Society Events 2024

Ide Hill Society Lecture: Brasted Place

Speaker: Richard Seymour,

Date: Wednesday 16th October 2024 at 8pm.

Location: The Ide Hill Village Hall

We are delighted to announce that as a follow up to the very interesting Heritage Walk around Brasted that our members enjoyed in July, we have Richard Seymour, a current resident of Brasted Place coming to speak to us on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at 8pm at the Village Hall. Richard has written a history of the mansion, published by the Brasted Society. His talk will explore the history of the owners and residents of Brasted Place.
He will talk about the first references to what became Brasted Place that date back to about 1300, and also its owners including Sir Robert Heath, Chief Justice of King’s Bench during the English Civil War. The main part of the present house was designed by Robert Adam for Dr John Turton, physician to George III, and was later let out to Napoleon III.
Subsequent owners included William Tipping, Leslie Urquart and John Howeson, all of whom have interesting, and in some respects colourful background stories. Brasted Place was then a theological college and headquarters of a building company before being converted into apartments in the 1990’s.
This promises to be an interesting and informative evening.

Ide Hill Society Outing – A Guided Heritage Walk around Brasted

Saturday 6th July 2024 – Leader: Roger Rogowski

This Heritage walk will take about 2.5 hours (10am to 12.30pm) and will cover a distance of about two miles.

It will start at the village green, continue across to Brasted Place, then double back via Brasted Hill Road, Coles Lane and Station Road to the site of the old station. We then continue along the old station path into the back of the churchyard, before walking along Church Road and up the High Street.

The walk will end at the Village Hall where the Heritage Centre is located. This will give members of our group an opportunity to look at the artefacts and/or read some of the documents in the collection and also admire the wonderful interior of this Victorian Hall, located almost opposite the Brasted Surgery (Amherst Practice).

The cost is £10 per person for a group of ten; less if we exceed that number of attendees. The proceeds are for St Martin’s Church.

If you would be interested in joining the group please email Maggie Palmer: